Bisola's journey to BBNaija Princess.

It was a long 78 days for us to get acquainted with the one and only Alligator Queen, Bisola. As the runner up of Big Brother Nigeria, she was the last woman standing.

There were many contenders to the crown of Queen of Big Brother Naija, but in the end, there could only be one Queen of Big Brother Naija: The Alligator Queen of Entertainment herself, Bisola. She had a long, fun, arduous and sometimes hilarious journey in Biggie's House where she charmed her way to be the last woman standing and closest contender to Efe, who ultimately won Big Brother Naija last night in a dramatic Finale.

The original contender to her crown came in the form of CoCoIce who was the first woman to be Evicted from the Big Brother House. CoCoIce certainly left her mark in the show. Never one to shrink away from a fight, she was one of the first Igwe's in the House. Very outspoken, she often rubbed her Housemates up the wrong way and it wasn't long before she was Nominated and became the first woman to leave the House. She had time to further her stated desire to "further her music career" and she has already shown Nigeria what she can do when she recently dropped her new single recently. It was even played in the House and it was Bisola who exclaimed "Thisa is CoCo" and proceded to show us her prodigious dancing talents. Watch the video below:

Gifty was the next woman to be toppled as she presented a very different proposition for the Housemates to get their heads around. Gifty also had eyes for Bisola's main (married) squeeze, ThinTallTony as well as Bally and earlier on, Soma. Was it an error of her judgement that she went after Bisola's men? She formed a close bond with TBoss and they could be seen often pairing off with each other and having long chats. However, they did butt heads when Gifty asked everyone where her bracelet was. Watch her triumphant homecoming here:

Biggie always had something up his sleeve and as soon as the second week he intrioduced his first major shake-up when he introduced the bodacious and curvy Fake Housemates Ese and TBoss' other boo, Jon. As was a common theme in the House, TBoss had beef with her too. The two of them were sent in for a two week period and were given the remit to upset the relationships building in the House. Ese took to her Fake Housemate with aplomb as she regularly grated the Housemates nerves with her laugh. This vivacious beauty charmed and beguiled her fellow, especially male contestants as she played her role perfectly. She was, however sad that she had to leave the House as she developed strong relationships with her fellow Housemates. She certainly left a long and lasting impression on the housemates and the viewers and was immensely popular despite her short stay in the House.

Nobody gave us more tears than the Drama Queen of the Diary Room, Uriel. This dynamic and talented musician took her opportunity with both hands and is sure to have a successful career after the fame of being a Housemate is but a distant memory.  Uriel was indirectly the architect of her own downfall as it was when Efe gifted her the Igwe Crown on her birthday that he truly won the hearts and minds of Nigeria. Uriel cried, danced, kissed and fought her way through her stay in Big Brother Naija. Uriel was one of the main femme fatales in the House with her being the object of many a Housemates affection but ultimately, Bassey was the apple of her eye. Her Eviction from the House was just like her stay in the House, loud, filled with drama and totally entertaining. Watch her amazing journey here:

Little Miss Dynamite, Marfe was the apple of Efe's eye from day one. It would be a bit unfair to say that she got so far becuase of her assiociation with both Bisol and Efe, but it did help her cause. She was a tough competior, battling her way to many a near win at the Head of House Tasks and the Friday Night PayPorte Arena Games. She was very close to Bisola and was part of the final "clique" that separated the House when Biggie allowed the Housemates to cospire. Marvis made the perfect Nigerian Bride for Efe when the viewers chose her and Efe to get married in a Proudly Naija ceremony that charmed and delighted Nigeria. Marvis certainly did something right as she was Voted "most popular" by her fellow Housemates. She managed to claw her way into the Finale and was finally ousted as she became the fourth last Housemate to leave. Watch her amazing jpourney here:

No matter what you thought about the diminutive Debie-Rise's guitar, this Joker in the pack arrived in the second week and she grabbed every opportunity that she could to showcase her immense talent, obvious and hidden. She formed a close bond with TBoss and was on the wrong side of the "clique" divide when she was eventually the third last female to leave the House, having lasted until the 78th day. She was certainly one for a party and she and TTT regularly lit up the dance-floors in all of the Legend Extra Stout Saturday Night Parties.  She was obviously enamoured with Legend Extra Stout as she made up a jingle for them. Ever humble and soft-spoken, Debie-Rise was grateful for the chance that she had been given and promised to show Nigeria her dynamic side when she left the House. She unvovered hidden talents when she surprised herself at how well she played the ex-lover of Efe during the Wedding week Task. She buried herself into her role and showed that she was able to do method acting. She was also spotted serenading the Ultimate Kisser, Bally whilst doing the splits. She survived for 71 days in the House as she only entered the House on the first weekend, along with Bassey and the fake Housemates. Whatever happens from here on in, Debie-Rise is assured a career in at least singing and she did say that she wanted to master the guitar after leaving the House, a sentiment we concur heartily with. Watch her fascinating, and mostly tuneful journey in the Big Brother House here:

The second runner-up of Big Brother Naija was the beautiful TBoss. Like her arch-nemesis, Bisola, she fought with everyone in the House. She played the game hard and she separated herself wilfully from the other Housemates, sometimes remaining aloof, like the Queen of the Boss Nation that she was. She did develop some close relationships in the House with both Gifty and Debie-Rise. That being said, her and Efe, especially were always at logger heads, with Efe constantly accusing her and Debie-Rise of being "manipulative and they always play the victim" he would repeat at almost every Nomination Diary Session, naturally this was all "based on logistics." TBoss was the femme fatale in the House with first, Miyonse, then TTT and others falling for her obvious charms. One of her stated aims in the House was to show Nigeria that there was nothing wrong with being mixed race, her being half-Romanian. She often felt set-upon by the other Housemates, especially as she called it, "the clique" and she defiantly took them on which was ultimately going to lead to her exit from the House as the second last woman standing. She was one of th ehousemates who had their birthdays in the House. Bisola reached out to her toward the end of their stay in the House and Bisola did eventually say that her biggest regret in the House was prjudging TBoss. The two were seen horsing around quite a bit toward the end. TBoss' competitive nature always came out in the Friday Night Games and the HoH challenges and she finally finally won the last Firday Night PayPorte Arena Games, for which she was chosen as the overall Friday Night PayPorte Arena Games winner. She also finally fulfilled her dream of being the Igwe, even if it was only for a day. Watch TBoss' eventful and sometimes controversial stay in the House here:

It took 78 days for Bisola to exit Biggie's domain, and when she did, she did so with her head held high and on it the crown of being the unofficial Queen of BBNaija as she was the last woman standing. She was already an accomplished performer before she entered the Hous eand she used every bit of her charm and smarts to get to the position she found herself in on the Finale stage as she was announced as firstly, the ONE Campaign Ambassador and secondly the runner-up to Efe in the grand Finale of Big Brother Naija. She was incredibly magnetic in all of her performances. She really came to the fore when she  dazzled Africa with a magnetic performance during her teams presentation of Fears, Phobias and Superstitions. She certainly had an eventful 78 days, spending time in Paradise with Bally and spending a lot of time with TTT, amongst others. She was always good with dishing out sage advice to her fellow Housemates. Her and TBoss had a strange relationship. They were wary of each other, as they were bothe strong contenders. Bisola ultimately won, though as she outlasted TBoss by a few minutes as she beat TBoss to second place. She has acted, sung, play acted, had and bitten her way to success. She certainly sunk her Aligator Queen teeth into TTT and she didn't let go until he left. Bisola used every ounce of her many talents to go far in the game and, Nigeria was treated to a talented, caring and complex individual who played the game with a positive "never say die" attitude and she would also have been a worthy winner of BBNaija. But, it was not to be, as there could only be one winner. She may have been Queen of the Females in the House as she was the last woman standing, but essentially, she was the Princess to the winner, Efe. Watch her fascinating journey here:

It was a long and hard season with many twists and turns and Bisola deserves everything that she gets as she was Efe's strongest contender for the crown of BBNaija winner. It was an absolute pleasure to watch this talented singer, actress and all round entertainer laugh and cry her way through her ultimately successful journey in the House. Congratulations Bisola on getting so far in the House and we cannot wait to hear the results of your trip to the UN in September. We are also waiting with baited breath to see what this versatile perfomer has in store for us. One thing is for sure, she is no shrinking violet and with her obvious work ethic, we will be hearing from Bisola for many years to come.

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