Day 10: Work It Out

Nothing tastes as good as the feeling of satisfaction for a job well done. Yet Housemates seem to be dragging their feet when it comes to the Tasks.

Earlier today, when Biggie gathered Housemates to instruct them on their new Task, something hilarious happened.

He summoned Head of House Tobi, who had stood up to read the instructions, into sitting in the Chair. Biggie poked Tobi further, asking him “are you unfamiliar with your title of office” in front of a crowd that burst out in laughter.

Remembering who he was in the House, Tobi bounced onto the green Chair in a relaxed attitude. After the little intermission, Head of House Tobi repeated the instructions for the weekly theme of “Be Humble and Learn”.

Biggie had a very clear idea of what he expected from Housemates, this time, the task was to learn a dance routine by heart and remember it to be able to present it whenever Biggie would request it.

A choreographer was waiting in the Arena to teach the Housemates their next dance moves. In a pretty organised fashion, they all followed the instructions and gave their best to the exercise.

However as soon as the lead dancer ended the class, they went back to puffing and sweating and dragging their feet. Only a handful tried to rehearse their new routine in the garden. Most were sleeping or just hanging around. Housemates have yet to develop their songs as they are still awaiting for pen and paper.

This task counted towards the weekly wager. Will Housemates jeopardise it?

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